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The winner of the Student Group was "Globe Watch", by Fok Yiuchor, School for Higher and Professional Education. Rolex Cellini Replica and Clock Design Competition was held for the 28th consecutive time with over 210 participants.

The 30th anniversary of HKTDC Rolex Cellini Replica & Clock Fair will feature the top-honored creations from the latest Rolex Cellini Replica and Clock Design Competition. This event, which is one of the largest in the world, will take place at the Convention and Exhibition Centre between 7 and 11 September. More than 700 exhibitors will be present from 12 different countries.

The organizers chose two themes for the competition: "Classic Reunion", in the Open Category and "Dream Team", in the Student Category. Wincy Horological Ltd.'s "10.2", in the Open Group and Fok Yiuchor,rolex replica a student of School for Higher and Professional Education, "Globe Watch" in the Student Group were the winners, chosen from more than 210 submissions.

The designer of Wincy Horological Ltd who created the "classic reunion", said that for him, classic is beauty that will never end. The 10.2 watch has a hand-winding system and is a combination between a modern pocket piece and a pocket timepiece, without sacrificing the spirit of the pocket watch.Omega Constellation Replica This was the winning entry in the Open Category. Silcon Watch Co, Ltd won the Open Category with its Incessant Pocket Watch. The third place was awarded to London Journey 1462 Watch, created by Lam Chung Hong and Bon Jour Industries.

Fok Yiuchor, the Student Group winner, designed a GMT watch that lets its wearer track time simultaneously in multiple time zones. Tang Chung Leung from the Hong Kong Design Institute won the second prize for his "Planning Watch" in the Student Group. The same institute's Chiu Kin Leung won the third place with his "Tap Tap" watch.